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Infused With Impact

Supporting Communities
In the Tea Gardens. Sustainable Production. Conscious Distribution

  • In The Tea Gardens
  • Sustainable Tea Production
  • Conscious Distribution
  • 2024 Updates
  • Tune In

Infused With Impact

Introducing 'Infused with Impact'

Our commitment to crafting exceptional tea while actively benefiting the planet and supporting the communities involved.

Our deep-rooted philosophy is to inspire a love for tea. We unite with those who make our tea, fostering a brighter future. Amid industry and climate changes, we take positive action, collaborating with local partners to meet community needs and preserve tea quality. Our latest work is captured in our Sustainability Report.

Discover how each cup of tea you drink gives back to people and planet.

In The Tea Gardens

Handpicking two leaves and a bud, we source a higher grade of tea for consistent taste and to better support our tea growing communities.

The tea communities make our tea blends. So, we work with local partners to get to the heart of how we can support them. From nutrition and education, to long-term climate resilience, we focus on making a difference that lasts.

Key achievements and programs:

  • Partnership with Child In Need Institute. Since 2019 we have helped 1046 women in Assam with maternity services and supported 886 children through a nutrition program
  • Supporting women in Kenya's tea gardens by aiming at improving the health of women and providing them with the choice to use menstrual cups through Ruby Cup

Sustainable Tea Production

From crop to cup, we uphold the quality of our tea whilst reducing our environmental impact.

When it comes to preserving the future of tea, the smallest changes can be the most sustainable. Many initiatives are undertaken in our flagship production facility in Emirates.

Our Ecovadis journey began in 2020, and we’re thrilled to have achieved a gold rating for three consecutive years. This means Ahmad Tea Emirates Factory now proudly stands among the top 3% of manufacturing companies globally.

Key achievements and programs:
  • Environmental Sustainability Award - Ahmad Tea Emirates Factory achieved 1st in Zone as the Environmentally distinguished Industrial Establishment, Ras al Khaimah, UAE
  • Eliminated 5 tons of plastic in the year 2023
  • Decreased water usage by 4.87% in 2022 vs. 2021
  • In 2023, we launched 100% compostable filter papers
  • 20% of electricity generated through solar panels every year
  • Beyond the Leaf with Kew Gardens has push funds that go towards their ground breaking research to stop biodiversity loss

Conscious Distribution

Ensuring the survival of our business and the long-term viability of the planet

Our positive impact flows beyond the tea gardens, with a proportion of our profits going to vulnerable communities around the world.

For tea to thrive, we look beyond the gardens to the countries we supply. Introducing noncompetitive ways of working and inviting distributors to share local charity projects with us. With these practices in place, positive impact can flow from crop to cup.

Key achievements and programs:
  • Building climate resilience in rural Niger - together with Oxfam, we've supplied villages with their 1st drinking water and systems to manage the irrigation of land
  • 93% households now spend under 30 minutes collecting water, compared to 68% at the start of the project
  • 86% target households now have access to safe drinking water, compared to 29% at the start of the project
  • 4,600 people in eight villages now have better access to clean water

2024 Updates

Our commitments in the US and around the world.

See what we are up to in 2024:

  • In 2024, we partnered and donated to OutTeach to help build outdoor classrooms for Spring of 2025
  • In 2023, we partnered with to equip students with classroom supplies and equipment for the start of the new academic year
  • Globally we launched a new project to support women in Kenya's Tea gardens by improving the health of women and providing them with the choice to use menstrual cups through Ruby Cup
  • In Nigeria, Ahmad Tea provided school bags filled with school supplies for the whole year to the Salvation Army School in Oko Baba, Lagos, Nigeria
  • In Egypt, we have paid for the renovation of the Moaz Ibn Jabal School for Girls, making it a modern, joyful and sociable place for the students
  • In Almaty, Kazakhstan we are sponsoring the Young Runner Club for school-aged children. By covering the costs of running the club, we have encouraged 5200 children to start running. We also provide free lectures by tea experts to students at two higher education institutions
  • In the UK, we have funded the Bristol Ahmad Tea Hardship Scholarship to support a talented student with limited means to complete their studies at the University of Bristol.

Tune In

Together, we are part of something bigger.

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Infused With Impact

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